viewAt method

SodiumPointer<T> viewAt(
  1. int offset, [
  2. int? length

Returns a view of a subset of the memory the pointer is pointing to.

offset specifies the number of elements that should be skipped at the beginning, length controls how many elements are selected.

Important: This method works with elements, not bytes. This means, an offset of 1 on a SodiumPointer<Uint32> will advance one element, which is equivalent to sizeOf<Uint32>(), i.e. 4 bytes.


SodiumPointer<T> viewAt(int offset, [int? length]) {
  if (offset > count) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
      'cannot be bigger than count ($count)',

  if (length != null && length > count - offset) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
      'cannot be bigger than count - offset (${count - offset})',

  return SodiumPointer._view(
    length ?? count - offset,