getFlutterInformation method

Map<String, dynamic> getFlutterInformation()


Map<String, dynamic> getFlutterInformation() {
  if (_cachedFlutterInformation != null) {
    return _cachedFlutterInformation!;

  String flutterVersionJson;
  if (platform.environment['FLUTTER_VERSION'] != null) {
    flutterVersionJson = platform.environment['FLUTTER_VERSION']!;
  } else {
    String flutterCommand;
    if (platform.environment['FLUTTER_ROOT'] != null) {
      flutterCommand = filesystem
    } else {
      flutterCommand = 'flutter';
    io.ProcessResult result;
    try {
      result = processManager.runSync(
          <String>[flutterCommand, '--version', '--machine'],
          stdoutEncoding: utf8);
    } on io.ProcessException catch (e) {
      throw SnippetException(
          'Unable to determine Flutter information. Either set FLUTTER_ROOT, or place flutter command in your path.\n$e');
    if (result.exitCode != 0) {
      throw SnippetException(
          'Unable to determine Flutter information, because of abnormal exit to flutter command.');
    flutterVersionJson = (result.stdout as String).replaceAll(
        'Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...',

  final Map<String, dynamic> flutterVersion =
      json.decode(flutterVersionJson) as Map<String, dynamic>;
  if (flutterVersion['flutterRoot'] == null ||
      flutterVersion['frameworkVersion'] == null ||
      flutterVersion['dartSdkVersion'] == null) {
    throw SnippetException(
        'Flutter command output has unexpected format, unable to determine flutter root location.');

  final Map<String, dynamic> info = <String, dynamic>{};
  info['flutterRoot'] =['flutterRoot']! as String);
  info['frameworkVersion'] =
      Version.parse(flutterVersion['frameworkVersion'] as String);

  final RegExpMatch? dartVersionRegex =
      RegExp(r'(?<base>[\d.]+)(?:\s+\(build (?<detail>[-.\w]+)\))?')
          .firstMatch(flutterVersion['dartSdkVersion'] as String);
  if (dartVersionRegex == null) {
    throw SnippetException(
        'Flutter command output has unexpected format, unable to parse dart SDK version ${flutterVersion['dartSdkVersion']}.');
  info['dartSdkVersion'] = Version.parse(
      dartVersionRegex.namedGroup('detail') ??
  _cachedFlutterInformation = info;

  return info;