find method

Future<List<Snap>> find({
  1. String? query,
  2. String? name,
  3. String? category,
  4. @Deprecated('Replaced with category') String? section,
  5. SnapFindFilter? filter,
  6. SnapFindScope? scope,

Searches for snaps in the store.

If query is provided, searches for snaps that match the given string. If name is provided, match the snap with the given name. If category is provided, search within that store category. If filter is provided, alter the collection searched:

  • 'refresh': search refreshable snaps. Can't be used with query nor name.
  • 'private': search private snaps. Can't be used with query. If scope is provided, adjust the search scope.
  • 'wide': search for snaps that don't have a stable release.


Future<List<Snap>> find(
    {String? query,
    String? name,
    String? category,
    @Deprecated('Replaced with category') String? section,
    SnapFindFilter? filter,
    SnapFindScope? scope}) async {
  var queryParameters = <String, String>{};
  if (query != null) {
    queryParameters['q'] = query;
  if (name != null) {
    queryParameters['name'] = name;
  if (category != null) {
    queryParameters['category'] = category;
  if (section != null) {
    queryParameters['section'] = section;
  if (filter != null) {
    var value = {
      SnapFindFilter.private: 'private',
      SnapFindFilter.refresh: 'refresh'
    if (value != null) {
      queryParameters['select'] = value;
  if (scope != null) {
    var value = {SnapFindScope.wide: 'wide'}[scope];
    if (value != null) {
      queryParameters['scope'] = value;
  var result = await _getSync('/v2/find', queryParameters);
  var snaps = <Snap>[];
  for (var snap in result) {
  return snaps;