Sn Progress Dialog
Progress dialog package for flutter
Getting Started
You must add the library as a dependency to your project.
sn_progress_dialog: ^1.2.0
You should then run flutter packages get
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:sn_progress_dialog/sn_progress_dialog.dart';
Normal Progress | Valuable Progress |
Preparing Progress | Custom Progress |
Usage Example
Create Progress Dialog
ProgressDialog pd = ProgressDialog(context: context);
Set options
- Both parameters are not mandatory with version 1.1.3 (max, msg)
- Default values can be changed according to the intended use. 100, msg: 'File Downloading...');
You don't need to update state, just pass the value.
- If you're not interested in showing value, you don't need to update progressValue.
pd.update(value: ProgressValue, msg: "Updated message");
Completed Type
- Use this to update the dialog when the process is finished. If it is Empty, progress automatically closes.
completed: Completed() // To use with default values
completed: Completed(completedMsg: "Downloading Done !", completedImage: AssetImage("image path"), completionDelay: 2500)
Cancel Option
- Use the "cancel" class to create a cancel button
cancel: Cancel() // To use with default values
cancel: Cancel(cancelImageSize: 20.0, cancelImageColor:, cancelImage: AssetImage("image path"), cancelClicked: () {})
Dialog Status
- Returns the current state of the dialog.
onStatusChanged: (status) {
if (status == DialogStatus.opened)
else if (status == DialogStatus.closed)
else if (status == DialogStatus.completed)
Other Properties
Dialog closes automatically when its progress status equals the max value. Use this method if you want to turn it close manually.
Returns whether the dialog box is open.
Example Use With Dio
var dio = new Dio();
ProgressDialog pd = ProgressDialog(context: context); 100, msg: 'File Downloading...');
'your download_url',
'your path',
onReceiveProgress: (rec, total) {
int progress = (((rec / total) * 100).toInt());
pd.update(value: progress);