smooth_sheets library
Comprehensive bottom sheet library supporting imperative and declarative navigation APIs, nested navigation, persistent and modal styles (including the iOS flavor), and more.
- AnimatedBottomBarVisibility
- A widget that animates the visibility of the child.
- BottomBarVisibility
- The base class of widgets that manage the visibility of the child based on the enclosing sheet's position.
- BouncingBehavior
- An object that determines the behavior of a bounceable sheet when it is out of the content bounds.
- BouncingSheetPhysics
- ClampingSheetPhysics
- ConditionalStickyBottomBarVisibility
- A widget that animates the visibility of the child based on a condition.
T> -
T> - CupertinoModalStackedTransition
- CupertinoStackedTransition
- DefaultSheetController
- DirectionAwareBouncingBehavior
- A BouncingBehavior that allows the sheet position to exceed the content bounds by different amounts based on the direction of a drag gesture.
- DragDownSheetKeyboardDismissBehavior
- A SheetKeyboardDismissBehavior that dismisses the on-screen keyboard only when the sheet is dragged down.
- DraggableSheet
- A sheet that can be dragged.
- DragSheetKeyboardDismissBehavior
- A SheetKeyboardDismissBehavior that always dismisses the on-screen keyboard when the sheet is dragged.
- DragUpSheetKeyboardDismissBehavior
- A SheetKeyboardDismissBehavior that dismisses the on-screen keyboard only when the sheet is dragged up.
- FixedBottomBarVisibility
- A widget that places the child at the bottom of the enclosing sheet.
- FixedBouncingBehavior
- A BouncingBehavior that allows the sheet position to exceed the content bounds by a fixed amount.
- FixedSheetAnchor
- A SheetAnchor that represents a position with a fixed value in pixels.
T> -
T> - ProportionalSheetAnchor
- A SheetAnchor that represents a position proportional to the content height of the sheet.
- ResizeScaffoldBehavior
- Describes how a SheetContentScaffold should resize its body to avoid overlapping the onscreen keyboard.
- ScrollableSheet
- SheetAnchor
- An abstract representation of a sheet's position.
- SheetContentScaffold
- SheetController
- SheetDragCancelDetails
- Details for when a sheet drag is canceled.
- SheetDragCancelNotification
- A SheetNotification that is dispatched when the user or the system cancels a drag gesture in the sheet.
- SheetDragDetails
- Represents the details of a drag event on a sheet.
- SheetDragEndDetails
- Details for when a sheet drag ends.
- SheetDragEndNotification
- A SheetNotification that is dispatched when the user stops dragging the sheet.
- SheetDraggable
- A widget that makes its child as a drag-handle for a sheet.
- SheetDragStartDetails
- Details for the start of a sheet drag.
- SheetDragStartNotification
- A SheetNotification that is dispatched when the user starts dragging the sheet.
- SheetDragUpdateDetails
- Details about the update of a sheet drag gesture.
- SheetDragUpdateNotification
- A SheetNotification that is dispatched when the sheet is dragged.
- SheetKeyboardDismissBehavior
- Determines when the on-screen keyboard should be dismissed.
- SheetKeyboardDismissible
- A widget that dismisses the on-screen keyboard when the user drags the sheet below this widget.
- SheetMetricsSnapshot
- An immutable snapshot of the state of a sheet.
- SheetNotification
- A Notification that is dispatched when the sheet position changes.
- SheetOverflowNotification
- A SheetNotification that is dispatched when the user tries to drag the sheet beyond its draggable bounds but the sheet has not changed its position because its SheetPhysics does not allow it to be.
- SheetPhysics
- SheetPositionDrivenAnimation
- SheetScrollable
- SheetTheme
- A theme for descendant sheets.
- SheetThemeData
- A set of properties that describe the appearance and behavior of a sheet.
- SheetUpdateNotification
- A SheetNotification that is dispatched when the sheet position is updated by other than user interaction such as animation.
- SnappingSheetBehavior
- SnappingSheetPhysics
- SnapToNearest
- SnapToNearestEdge
- A SnappingSheetBehavior that snaps to either SheetMetrics.minPixels or SheetMetrics.maxPixels based on the current sheet position and the gesture velocity.
- StickyBottomBarVisibility
- A widget that keeps the child always visible regardless of the sheet position.
- SwipeDismissSensitivity
- Configuration for the swipe-to-dismiss sensitivity of ModalSheetRoute, ModalSheetPage, and related classes.
- SheetStatus
- The status of a sheet.
T> - SheetMetrics
- The metrics of a sheet.
- SheetPhysicsMixin
- A mixin that provides default implementations for SheetPhysics methods.
- kDefaultSheetPhysics → const BouncingSheetPhysics
- The default SheetPhysics used by sheet widgets.
- kDefaultSheetSpring → const SpringDescription
- The default SpringDescription used by SheetPhysics subclasses.
= SheetPositionScope Function(SheetContext context, SheetPositionScopeKey<
SheetPosition> key, Widget child)