A smooth dialog is the customized dialog that provides the simple configuration of dialog and it has two UI experiences is Android and iOS.


CustomDialog will show base on Platform that build on it.

  • This is for android, web, windows and linux.

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  • This is for iOS and mac.

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Getting started

Copy it into pubspec.yaml then run command flutter pub get

smooth_dialog: ^0.0.4


  • This is how to show dialog
  final SmoothDialog smoothDialog = SmoothDialog(context);
        .setTitleHeader("this is the header dialog")
        .setDescription("This is description")
  • This is how to dismiss dialog
  final SmoothDialog smoothDialog = SmoothDialog(context);
  • it also provide listener call back from button positive negative and dismiss
  final SmoothDialog smoothDialog = SmoothDialog(context);
        .setTitleHeader("this is the header dialog")
        .setDescription("This is description")
          print("User click on button Negative");
      print("User click on button Positive");
      print("User was exit dialog");

Additional information

This is my first package, so if you want to contribute, please create an issue on this repository on Github, thank you!
