getOffsetFromNorth static method

double getOffsetFromNorth(
  1. double currentLatitude,
  2. double currentLongitude

returns the qiblah offset for the current location


static double getOffsetFromNorth(
  double currentLatitude,
  double currentLongitude,
) {
  /// converting current lat & lang to radians
  var laRad = radians(currentLatitude);
  var loRad = radians(currentLongitude);

  /// converting current lat & lang to Degrees
  var toDegrees = degrees(atan(sin(_deLo - loRad) /
      ((cos(laRad) * tan(_deLa)) - (sin(laRad) * cos(_deLo - loRad)))));
  if (laRad > _deLa) {
    if ((loRad > _deLo || loRad < radians(-180.0) + _deLo) &&
        toDegrees > 0.0 &&
        toDegrees <= 90.0) {
      toDegrees += 180.0;
    } else if (loRad <= _deLo &&
        loRad >= radians(-180.0) + _deLo &&
        toDegrees > -90.0 &&
        toDegrees < 0.0) {
      toDegrees += 180.0;

  /// check if the latRadian is less than the destination lat
  if (laRad < _deLa) {
    if ((loRad > _deLo || loRad < radians(-180.0) + _deLo) &&
        toDegrees > 0.0 &&
        toDegrees < 90.0) {
      toDegrees += 180.0;

    /// check if the loRadian is less than or equal to the destination long
    if (loRad <= _deLo &&
        loRad >= radians(-180.0) + _deLo &&
        toDegrees > -90.0 &&
        toDegrees <= 0.0) {
      toDegrees += 180.0;

  /// returns the qiblah direction in degrees
  return toDegrees;