Using the "smith_cli" Package in Dart

The "smith_cli" package is used to generate boilerplate code for a Dart project. This documentation will guide you through the steps of using the package.


Before using the "smith_cli" package, you need to activate it globally on your system. To do this, open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

dart pub global activate smith_cli

This will install the "smith_cli" package globally on your system, making it available for use in any Dart project.

Generating Code

Once the "smith_cli" package is installed, you can generate code by running the following command:

smith -g all [className]

Replace [className] with the name of the class you want to generate code for. This command will generate boilerplate code for a data layer, domain layer, and service layer.


By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you should be able to use the "smith_cli" package to generate boilerplate code for your Dart project.