enKey top-level property

Map<String, String> enKey


final Map<String, String> enKey = {
  'title_language': 'Please select the language you use',
  'welcome_1': 'High accuracy OCR technology\nwith potential fraud detection',
  'welcome_2': 'Liveness check to ensure that \nthe process is done by human',
      'Face Matching between\nidentification document and self-portrait\n with high age gap ',
  'english': 'English',
  'vietname': 'Vietnamese',
  'credentials': 'Verify your information',
  'check_result': 'Other verification',
  'number': 'ID Number',
  'full_name': 'Fullname',
  'gender': 'Gender',
  'birthday': 'Date of birth',
  'nationality': 'Nationality',
  'resident': 'Adresss',
  'use_value': 'Expire date',
  'info_ID': 'Captured images of ID document',
  'front': 'Front side',
  'backside': 'Back side',
  'signature': 'Signature',
  'upload_image': 'Upload the Signature',
  'confirm': 'Confirm',
  're-upload': 'Upload again',
      'Write your signature on a white page of paper and capture it',
  'signature_title': 'Below signature will be used to verify your account',
  'result_success': 'All verifications are valid',
  'result_error': 'Some verifications are not valid!',
  'face_comparison': 'Face Matching:',
  'checkID': 'Check the front / back of the ID card:',
  'check_photocopy': 'Check photocopy:',
  'check_logic': 'Logic check: ',
  'Logic message': 'Logic message',
  'Blurriness check: ': 'Blurriness check: ',
  'Photocopy check: ': 'Photocopy check: ',
  'Corner cut check:': 'Corner cut check:',
  'Expiration check: ': 'Expiration check: ',
  'Portrait-image-pasted-on-ID check:': 'Portrait-image-pasted-on-ID check:',
  'Images-captured-through-screen check:':
      'Images-captured-through-screen check:',
  'Number of faces in the selfie:': 'Number of faces in the selfie:',
  'check_deadline': 'Check deadlines:',
  'number_face': 'Number of faces:',
  'again': 'Retry',
      'Ensure that your camera works well with no dust on the lens or blurriness',
  'note_2': 'Avoid glare on the identification document ',
      'Your identification document must be valid with no corner cut, no corner folded or blurriness',
      'Don’t capture your identification document with part of its content hidden',
  'start': 'Start now',
  'understand': 'I understand',
  'please_note': 'Please note!',
  'invalid': 'Invalid',
  'valid': 'Valid',
      'Information verification successful, we will contact you soon ',
  'error_message': 'Authentication failed',
  'face_recognition': 'Face recognition',
  'taske_backside': 'Take back side',
  'please_give': 'please capture the ',
  'of_id_card': ' of your ID',
  'take_again': 'Capture again',
  'detector_shooting': 'Start liveness check',
      'The distance between your face and your camera should be 30-40 cm',
  'detector_warning': 'Attention',
  'detector_light_required': 'Good lighting environment',
  'detector_glass_required': 'no glasses',
  'detector_mask_required': 'no mask on',
      'Follow below instruction to prove that\nyou are a real person',
  'detector_face_stand': 'Keep your face strait to camera',
  'detector_face_smile': 'Look straight at the camera and smile',
  'detector_face_left': 'Turn your face to the left',
  'detector_face_right': 'Turn your face to the right',
  'detector_eyes_bling': 'Blink your eye',
  'detector_finish': 'Completed',
  'camera_not_found': 'Camrea not found',
  'photo_gallary': 'Photo Gallery',
  'cancel': 'Cancel',
  'expired': 'Expired',
  'unexpired': 'Unexpired',
  'not_detect_face': 'Unable to detect face',
  'same_person': 'Same persion',
  'two_person': 'Two person',
  'issue_date': 'Issue date',
  'issue_at': 'Issue at',
  'detector_take_portaits': 'Let’s take a selfie!',
  'history': 'History',
  'all': 'All',
  'not_valid': 'Not valid',
  'date_time': 'Date time',
  'choose action': 'Choose your action',
  'New eKYC': 'New eKYC\n  process',
  'Home town': 'Home town',
  'Ethnic': 'Ethnic',
  'Religion': 'Religion',
  'Passed': 'Passed',
  'Failed': 'Failed',
  'Still valid': 'Still valid',
  'Expired': 'Expired',
  'Same type of ID': 'Same type of ID',
  'are of different ID types': 'are of different ID types',
  'mờ nhòe': 'Blurry',
  'bản photocopy': 'ID is photocopoied',
  'đã cắt góc': 'Corner cut',
  'đã hết hạn': 'Expired',
  'có dấu hiệu dán đè': 'Failed',
  'chụp qua màn hình': 'Failed',
  'portrait': 'Portrait',
  'Bạn có chắc chắn muốn dừng không?': 'Do you want to restart eKYC process?',
  'Yes': 'Có',
  'No': 'Không',
  'Confirm': 'Confirm',
  'Tap to take photo. Long press to record video.':
      'Tap to take photo. Long press to record video.',
  'Load failed': 'Load failed',
  'Tap to take photo.': 'Tap to take photo.',
  'empty': 'Empty',
  'Mỉm cười': 'Smile',
  'Xoay sang trái': 'Rotate to the left',
  'Xoay sang phải': 'Rotate to the right',
  'Nháy mắt': 'Blink',
  'Vui lòng chọn từ 2 hành động phát hiện khuôn mặt trở lên':
      'Please select from the 2 action play the face to back to, and must have a smile or flash eye',
  'Cài đặt': 'Setting',
  'Thông tin chung': 'General information',
  'Hiển thị lịch sử': 'Show history',
  'Hiển thị thông tin ORC': 'Display OCR . information',
  'Hiển thị tải lên chữ ký': 'Show signature upload',
  'Chỉnh sửa thông tin': 'Edit information',
  'Chỉnh sửa ID CMND': 'Edit ID',
  'Lưu hình ảnh đã quét vào thư viện': 'Save the scanned image to the gallery',
  'Nhận diện khuôn mặt ngẫu nhiên': 'Random face recognition',
  'Thông tin OCR': 'Information OCR',
  'Tự động scan OCR sau 5s': 'Auto scan OCR after 5s',
  'Nhận diện khuôn mặt theo danh sách': 'Face recognition by list',
  'Auto matching face detection': 'Auto matching face detection',
  'step': 'step',
      'Please keep your face inside camera when process',
  'Take Portraits': 'Take Portraits',
  'back': 'Back'