build static method

List<I18nData> build(
  1. RawConfig rawConfig,
  2. TranslationMap translationMap

Combine all namespaces and build the internal model The returned locales are sorted (base locale first)

After this method call, information about the namespace is lost. It will be just a normal parent.


static List<I18nData> build(
  RawConfig rawConfig,
  TranslationMap translationMap,
) {
  final buildConfig = rawConfig.toBuildModelConfig();

  final baseEntry = translationMap.getInternalMap().entries.firstWhere(
        (entry) => entry.key == rawConfig.baseLocale,
        orElse: () => throw Exception('Base locale not found'),

  // Create the base data first.
  final namespaces = baseEntry.value;
  final baseResult =
    buildConfig: buildConfig,
    map: rawConfig.namespaces ? namespaces : namespaces.values.first,
    localeDebug: baseEntry.key.languageTag,

  return translationMap.getInternalMap() {
    final locale = localeEntry.key;
    final namespaces = localeEntry.value;
    final base = locale == rawConfig.baseLocale;

    if (base) {
      // Use the already computed base data
      return I18nData(
        base: true,
        locale: locale,
        root: baseResult.root,
        contexts: baseResult.contexts,
        interfaces: baseResult.interfaces,
    } else {
      final result =
        buildConfig: buildConfig,
        map: rawConfig.namespaces ? namespaces : namespaces.values.first,
        baseData: baseResult,
        localeDebug: locale.languageTag,

      return I18nData(
        base: false,
        locale: locale,
        root: result.root,
        contexts: result.contexts,
        interfaces: result.interfaces,