slang library


BaseAppLocale<E extends BaseAppLocale<E, T>, T extends BaseTranslations<E, T>>
Similar to flutter locale but available without any flutter dependencies. Subclasses will be enums.
BaseAppLocaleUtils<E extends BaseAppLocale<E, T>, T extends BaseTranslations<E, T>>
Provides utility functions without any side effects.
BaseLocaleSettings<E extends BaseAppLocale<E, T>, T extends BaseTranslations<E, T>>
BaseTranslations<E extends BaseAppLocale<E, T>, T extends BaseTranslations<E, T>>
Root translation class of ONE locale Entry point for every translation
Default plural resolvers
TranslationMetadata<E extends BaseAppLocale<E, T>, T extends BaseTranslations<E, T>>
Metadata instance hold by the root translation class.


PluralResolver = String Function(num n, {String? few, String? many, String? one, String? other, String? two, String? zero})
Selects the correct string depending on n