applyLinks method
- TranslationMetadata<
BaseAppLocale, BaseTranslations> meta, - Map<
String, Object> param
Replaces every ${_root.<path>}
with the real string
String applyLinks(TranslationMetadata meta, Map<String, Object> param) {
return replaceDartNormalizedInterpolation(replacer: (match) {
final nodeParam = match.substring(2, match.length - 1);
if (!nodeParam.startsWith(characteristicLinkPrefix)) {
return match;
final path = RegexUtils.linkPathRegex.firstMatch(nodeParam)?.group(1);
if (path == null) {
return match;
final refInFlatMap = meta.getTranslation(path);
if (refInFlatMap == null) {
return match;
if (refInFlatMap is String) {
return refInFlatMap;
if (refInFlatMap is Function) {
final parameterList = getFunctionParameters(refInFlatMap);
return Function.apply(
const [],
for (final p in param.entries)
if (parameterList.contains(p.key)) Symbol(p.key): p.value,
return match; // this should not happen (must be string or function)