build static method

Future<TranslationMap> build({
  1. required SlangFileCollection fileCollection,
  2. required bool verbose,

This method transforms files to an intermediate model TranslationMap. After this step,

  • we removed the environment (i.e. dart:io, build_runner)
  • we removed the file type (JSON, YAML, CSV) because everything is a map now

The resulting map is in a unmodified state, so no actual i18n handling (plural, rich text) has been applied.


static Future<TranslationMap> build({
  required SlangFileCollection fileCollection,
  required bool verbose,
}) async {
  final rawConfig = fileCollection.config;
  final translationMap = TranslationMap();
  final padLeft = verbose
      ? _getPadLeft(
          files: fileCollection.files,
          baseLocale: rawConfig.baseLocale.languageTag,
          namespaces: rawConfig.namespaces,
          inputDirectory: rawConfig.inputDirectory,
      : 0;
  for (final file in fileCollection.files) {
    final content = await;
    final Map<String, dynamic> translations;
    try {
      translations =
          BaseDecoder.decodeWithFileType(rawConfig.fileType, content);
    } on FormatException catch (e) {
      if (verbose) {
      throw 'File: ${file.path}\n$e';

    if (rawConfig.fileType == FileType.csv &&
        CsvDecoder.isCompactCSV(content)) {
      // compact csv

      for (final key in translations.keys) {
        final value = translations[key];

        final locale = I18nLocale.fromString(key);
        final localeTranslations = value as Map<String, dynamic>;
          locale: locale,
          namespace: file.namespace,
          translations: localeTranslations,

        if (verbose) {
          final baseStr = locale == rawConfig.baseLocale ? '(base) ' : '';
          final namespaceStr =
              rawConfig.namespaces ? '(${file.namespace}) ' : '';
              '${('$baseStr$namespaceStr${locale.languageTag}').padLeft(padLeft)} -> ${file.path}');
    } else {
      // json, yaml or normal csv

        locale: file.locale,
        namespace: file.namespace,
        translations: translations,

      if (verbose) {
        final baseLog = file.locale == rawConfig.baseLocale ? '(base) ' : '';
        final namespaceLog =
            rawConfig.namespaces ? '(${file.namespace}) ' : '';
            '${'$baseLog$namespaceLog${file.locale.languageTag}'.padLeft(padLeft)} -> ${file.path}');

  if (translationMap
      .every((locale) => locale != rawConfig.baseLocale)) {
    if (verbose) {
    throw 'Translation file for base locale "${rawConfig.baseLocale.languageTag}" not found.';

  return translationMap;