overrideTranslationsFromMap method

void overrideTranslationsFromMap({
  1. required E locale,
  2. required bool isFlatMap,
  3. required Map map,

Overrides existing translations of locale with new ones from the map.

If isFlatMap is true, then the keys of the map are interpreted as paths. E.g. {'myPath.toKey': 'Updated Text'} If isFlatMap is false, then the structure is like a parsed json.

Checkout overrideTranslations for more documentation.

Please do a try-catch to prevent app crashes!


void overrideTranslationsFromMap({
  required E locale,
  required bool isFlatMap,
  required Map map,
}) {
  final currentMetadata = translationMap[locale]!.$meta;
  translationMap[locale] = utils.buildWithOverridesFromMap(
    locale: locale,
    isFlatMap: isFlatMap,
    map: map,
    cardinalResolver: currentMetadata.cardinalResolver,
    ordinalResolver: currentMetadata.ordinalResolver,
  if (locale == currentLocale) {