Why Size Adapter?

Say goodbye to responsive design headaches in Flutter! Introducing Size Adapter – the solution that effortlessly adapts your UI components to different screen sizes.

Important Note

When testing your Flutter application using Chrome or any method that emulates a mobile device, ensure to perform a hot reload after switching to the mobile device mode. This is essential for the size_adapter to accurately adapt to the new device dimensions and provide the intended user experience.


Platforms Supported

pub package Last Commits Pull Requests Code size License

💻 Usage

To use this library in your code:

  • add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml :

      size_adapter: latest
  • add import in your dart code:

    import 'package:size_adapter/size_adapter.dart';

💡 Overview

This Flutter package simplifies responsive design, making your UI look stunning on any mobile device. Check out the demos below.

Demo Screen

How to use

  /// 375.0 is the design width
  /// 812.0 is the design height
  designSize: const Size(375.0, 812.0),
  /// 44.0 is the design status bar height 
  /// default [0.0]
  designStatusBarHeight: 44.0,
  /// 28.0 is the design bottom bar height
  /// default [0.0]
  designBottomBarHeight: 28.0,
  child: MaterialApp(
  title: 'My App',
  debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
  theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch: Colors.indigo),
  home: const HomeScreen(),

💪🏻 Contribution Guide

I would be happy to have your contributions 💙

You are welcome to open a ticket on github if any problems arise. New ideas are always welcome.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a Pull Request.


Kamran Khan

GitHub Follow LinkedIn Link

