initializeProvider function

Future<void> initializeProvider(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. String bridge,
  3. String name,
  4. String description,
  5. String url,
  6. String icon,

Initalize a provider, you must supply: context to display modal, bridge url, app name, app description, your app url, and icon to display on connection.


Future<void> initializeProvider(BuildContext context, String bridge,
    String name, String description, String url, String icon) async {
  // Create a Completer for waiting until the app is resumed
  Completer<void> appResumedCompleter = Completer();

  // Create a WalletConnectObserver and add it to the WidgetsBinding
  WalletConnectObserver observer = WalletConnectObserver(onAppResumed: () {
  // Create a connector
  walletModal = WalletConnectQrCodeModal(
    connector: WalletConnect(
      /// <-- Your bridge url
      bridge: bridge,
      clientMeta: PeerMeta(
        // <-- Meta data of your app appearing in the wallet when connecting
        name: name,
        description: description,
        url: url,
        icons: [icon],
    onConnect: (session) => print('Connected: $session'),
    onSessionUpdate: (response) => print('Session updated: $response'),
    onDisconnect: () => print('Disconnected'),
  final session = await walletModal?.connect(context).catchError((error) {
    print('Error: $error');
    return null;
  await appResumedCompleter.future;

  // Create a provider and set it to the global variable
  ethereumProvider = EthereumWalletConnectProvider(walletModal!.connector);
  final sender = EthereumAddress.fromHex(session!.accounts[0]);
  // set address to global variable
  address = sender.hexEip55;
  // remove observer