sdk library
- Angle
- An structure that contains an angle in radians and in degrees.
- AutoStopCriteria
- Define a criteria under which the positioning will be automatically stopped.
- Bounds
- Represents a rectangle bounds in a greographic 2D space.
- Building
- A building.
- BuildingInfo
- A building and its dependencies: Floors, Pois and Geofences.
- CartesianCoordinate
- An structure that contains cartesian coordinate.
- CircleArea
- ConfigurationOptions
- Coordinate
- An structure that contains geographical coordinate that follows the WGS 84 coordinate system standard.
- DiagnosticsOptions
- Configuration options related to remote diagnostic and telemetry.
- DirectionsRequest
- Parameters to request a route.
- Error
- code ErrorCodes.locationPermissionDenied
- ErrorCodes
- Exposes constant error codes useful for error handling in combination with SitumSdk.onLocationError:
- Event
- ExternalLocation
- Floor
- Floor of a Building.
- ForegroundServiceNotificationOptions
- A data object that let you customize the Foreground Service Notification that will be shown in the system's tray when the app is running as a Foreground Service. To be used with LocationRequest. Only applies for Android.
- Geofence
- Represents a geographic region in a Building. Can be monitored to check if an user enter or exits the polygon and to get analytics.
- InternalCall
- Represents an internal method call and encapsulates the type of call and associated data, previously processed by the SDK. For internal use only.
- Location
- A location. It can be indoor or outdoor, check isIndoor and isOutdoor. A valid indoor location has floorIdentifier and cartesianCoordinate.
- LocationRequest
- A data object that allows you to configure the positioning parameters.
- NamedResource
- A data object that allows you to configure the navigation parameters.
- OnEnteredGeofenceResult
- OnExitedGeofenceResult
- OutdoorLocationOptions
- When you build the LocationRequest, this data object configures the Global Mode options.
- Poi
- Point of Interest, associated to a Building, regardless of whether it's place inside or outside the building.
- PoiCategory
- Category of Point of Interest.
- Point
- Associate geographical coordinate (Location) with Building and Floor (Cartography) and cartesian coordinate relative to that building.
- PrefetchOptions
- RouteProgress
- SitumRoute
- SitumSdk
- Main entry point for the Situm Flutter SDK. Use SitumSdk to start positioning, calculate routes and fetch resources.
- StatusNames
- Reference list of the status names received in the SitumSdk.onLocationStatus callback. Other status may be received and may vary depending on the platform.
- AccessibilityMode
- Available accessibility modes used in the DirectionsRequest.
- ErrorType
- ForegroundServiceNotificationTapAction
- Predefined actions performed when tapping the Situm Foreground Service Notification.
- InternalCallType
- Set of method calls that are being delegated by the SDK. For internal use only.
- MotionMode
- RealtimeUpdateInterval
- Enum that allows to specify whether the geolocations computed should be sent to Situm Platform, and if so with which periodicity (time interval).
- situmSdkChannelId → const String
dynamic arguments) → AccessibilityMode? -
Map map) → Bounds -
Map map) → Building -
Map map) → BuildingInfo -
Map map) → CartesianCoordinate -
Map map) → PoiCategory -
Map map) → CircleArea -
Map map) → Coordinate -
dynamic arguments) → DirectionsRequest -
Map map) → Event -
Map map) → Floor -
Map map) → Geofence -
T> (List maps, Function mapper) → List< T> -
dynamic args) → Location -
Map map) → Poi -
dynamic arguments) → Point -
dynamic arguments) → SitumRoute -
dynamic arguments, String key) → String -
Returns the value of arguments
or "-1" if the value is null.
- OnDirectionsRequestedCallback = dynamic Function(DirectionsRequest directionsRequest)
- OnEnteredGeofencesCallback = void Function(OnEnteredGeofenceResult onEnterGeofenceResult)
- OnExitedGeofencesCallback = void Function(OnExitedGeofenceResult onExitGeofenceResult)
- OnLocationErrorCallback = void Function(Error error)
- OnLocationStatusCallback = void Function(String status)
- OnLocationUpdateCallback = void Function(Location location)