onLocationStatus method

Future<void> onLocationStatus(
  1. OnLocationStatusCallback callback

Get notified about positioning status changes. The possible statuses that you might receive from this callback are:


  • The SDK initialized the positioning engine.


  • Our SDK is now locating the user in a building. Once the user is located inside the building, you should be receiving the user location by the onLocationUpdate callback.


  • The user location is not inside the building any more. This status will only be thrown when using building mode.


  • The positioning engine was stopped.

These statuses are the basic ones that will help you to stay aware of what's happening with the positioning. There are some other situational and platform specific statuses that you might want to listen, so take a look at the native SDK statuses that we send for Android and for iOS.

See requestLocationUpdates.


Future<void> onLocationStatus(OnLocationStatusCallback callback) async {
  _onLocationStatusCallback = callback;