checkForUpdate method
Future<void> checkForUpdate() async {
// don't wait on this, stop after 1 second
final exiter = Completer<({(bool, String)? result, bool exit})>();
Timer? timer;
timer = Timer(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
exiter.complete((result: null, exit: true));
updateCommand.needsUpdate().then((value) {
exiter.complete((result: value, exit: false));
final (:result, :exit) = await exiter.future;
if (exit) {
logger.detail('Skipping version check, timeout reached');
final (needsUpdate, latestVersion) = result!;
if (needsUpdate) {
const changelog =
final package = cyan.wrap('sip_cli');
final currentVersion = red.wrap(packageVersion);
final updateToVersion = green.wrap(latestVersion);
final updateCommand = yellow.wrap('sip update');
final changelogLink = darkGray.wrap('Changelog: $changelog');
final message = '''
│ New update for $package is available! │
│ You are using $currentVersion, the latest is $updateToVersion. │
│ Run `$updateCommand` to update to the latest version. │
│ $changelogLink │