getTestDirs method

((List<String>, Map<String, DetermineFlutterOrDart>)?, ExitCode?) getTestDirs(
  1. Iterable<String> pubspecs, {
  2. required bool isFlutterOnly,
  3. required bool isDartOnly,

This method is used to get the test directories and the tools to run the tests

It returns a map of test directories and the tools to run the tests


    List<String> testDirs,
    Map<String, DetermineFlutterOrDart> dirTools,
  ExitCode? exitCode,
) getTestDirs(
  Iterable<String> pubspecs, {
  required bool isFlutterOnly,
  required bool isDartOnly,
}) {
  final testDirs = <String>[];
  final dirTools = <String, DetermineFlutterOrDart>{};

    'Found ${pubspecs.length} pubspecs, checking for test directories',
  for (final pubspec in pubspecs) {
    final projectRoot = path.dirname(pubspec);
    final testDirectory = path.join(path.dirname(pubspec), 'test');

    if (! {
          .detail('No test directory found in ${path.relative(projectRoot)}');

    final tool = DetermineFlutterOrDart(
      pubspecYaml: path.join(projectRoot, 'pubspec.yaml'),
      findFile: findFile,
      pubspecLock: pubspecLock,

    // we only care checking for flutter or
    // dart tests if we are not running both
    if (isFlutterOnly ^ isDartOnly) {
      if (tool.isFlutter && isDartOnly && !isFlutterOnly) {

      if (tool.isDart && isFlutterOnly) {

    dirTools[testDirectory] = tool;

  if (testDirs.isEmpty) {
    var forTool = '';

    if (isFlutterOnly ^ isDartOnly) {
      forTool = ' ';
      forTool += isDartOnly ? 'dart' : 'flutter';
    logger.err('No$forTool tests found');
    return (null, ExitCode.unavailable);

  return ((testDirs, dirTools), null);