Simulator constructor

  1. EnergyField field, {
  2. num gammaStart = 0.7,
  3. num gammaEnd = 0.2,
  4. int outerIterations = 750,
  5. int innerIterationsStart = 5,
  6. int innerIterationsEnd = 20,
  7. int sampleSize = 500,

Simulator constructor.

  • field: An object of type EnergyField encapsulating the energy function (cost function) and search space.

Optional parameters:

  • gammaStart: Expectation value of the solution acceptance at the
  • gammaEnd: Expectation value of the solution acceptance at the
  • outerIterations: Number of iterations when cooling.
  • innerIterationsStart: Number of iterations at constant temperature at the start of the annealing process.
  • innerIterationsEnd: Number of iterations at constant temperature at the end of the annealing process.
  • sampleSize: Size of sample used to estimate the start temperature and the final temperature of the annealing process.


//    initial temperature of the annealing process.
/// * gammaEnd: Expectation value of the solution acceptance at the
//    final temperatures of the annealing process.
/// * outerIterations: Number of iterations when cooling.
/// * innerIterationsStart: Number of iterations at constant temperature
///   at the start of the annealing process.
/// * innerIterationsEnd: Number of iterations at constant temperature
///   at the end of the annealing process.
/// * sampleSize: Size of sample used to estimate the start temperature
///   and the final temperature of the annealing process.
  this.field, {
  this.gammaStart = 0.7,
  this.gammaEnd = 0.2,
  this.outerIterations = 750,
  this.innerIterationsStart = 5,
  this.innerIterationsEnd = 20,
  this.sampleSize = 500,
}) {
  /// Initial values:
  _currentMinEnergy = field.value;
  _currentMinPosition = field.position;
  _acceptanceProbability = 1.0;
  _startPosition = field.position;