cylinderCartesian static method

SearchSpace cylinderCartesian({
  1. num rho = 1,
  2. num zMin = 0,
  3. num zMax = 1,
  4. List<num> centre = const <double>[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0],

Returns a three dimensional SearchSpace with a cylindrical geometry defined in terms of Cartesian coordiantes [x, y, z].


static SearchSpace cylinderCartesian({
  num rho = 1,
  num zMin = 0,
  num zMax = 1,
  List<num> centre = const <double>[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0],
}) {
  // Define intervals.
  final x0 = centre[0];
  final y0 = centre[1];
  final z0 = centre[2];
  final x = FixedInterval(
    x0 - rho,
    x0 + rho,
    name: 'x',
  final r2 = rho * rho;
  final y = ParametricInterval(
    () => y0 - sqrt(r2 - pow( - x0, 2)),
    () => y0 + sqrt(r2 - pow( - x0, 2)),
    name: 'y',
  final z = FixedInterval(z0 + zMin, z0 + zMax, name: 'z');
  return SearchSpace.parametric([x, y, z], name: 'cylinder xyz');