simprokcore library


ConsumerLayerObject<Event, Input, Output>
A class that describes a type that represents a layer object that does not produce events. Contains a machine that receives mapped layer state as input and does not emit output that is reduced into application's state.
ConsumerLayerType<Event, Input, Output>
A general abstract class that describes a type that represents a layer object that does not produce events. Contains a machine that receives mapped layer state as input and does not emit output that is reduced into application's state.
MachineLayerObject<Event, Input, Output>
A class that describes a type that represents a layer object. Contains a machine that receives event as input and emits output that is reduced into application's state.
MachineLayerType<Event, Input, Output>
A general abstract class that describes a type that represents a layer object. Contains a machine that receives mapped input and emits output that is reduced into application's state.
MapInputLayerType<Event, Input>
MapOutputLayerObject<Event, Output>
MapOutputLayerType<Event, Output>
MapStateLayerObject<Event, Input>
ProducerLayerObject<Event, Input, Output>
A class that describes a type that represents a layer object that does not consume state. Contains a machine that does not receive mapped layer state as input and emits output that is reduced into application's state.
ProducerLayerType<Event, Input, Output>
A general abstract class that describes a type that represents a layer object that does not consume state. Contains a machine that does not receive mapped layer state as input and emits output that is reduced into application's state.
WidgetMachineLayerObject<Event, Input, Output>
The same as MachineLayerObject but for WidgetMachine.
WidgetMachineLayerType<Event, Input, Output>
The same as MachineLayerType but for WidgetMachine.


runRootCore<Event>({required WidgetMachineLayerType<Event, dynamic, dynamic> main, required Set<MachineLayerType<Event, dynamic, dynamic>> secondary}) → void
Starts the application flow. main - main layer. secondary - secondary layers.