toErrorText method

String toErrorText()


String toErrorText() {
  switch (this) {
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.typeException:
      return "It is an invalid type.";
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.paramException:
      return "The parameter length is invalid.";
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.paramValueException:
      return "It is an invalid parameter value.";
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.nullException:
      return "The target did not exist.";
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.levelException:
      return "The number of indent mark is invalid.";
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.replaceException:
      return "Only the child elements of the block element can be replaced.";
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.syntaxException:
      return 'Syntax Error.';
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.elementException:
      return 'The specified position contains an element that cannot be placed.';
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.tableParamException:
      return 'Please set hNum parameter.';
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.sidDoesNotExistException:
      return 'Please set sid parameter.';
    case EnumSpWMLExceptionType.noManagerException:
      return 'Please set the required manager class.';