showUpdateDialog static method

void showUpdateDialog({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required DialogConfig dialogConfig,
  3. String title = 'Update Alert!',
  4. String message = 'There\'s a newer version of the app available',
  5. bool isForceUpdate = false,
  6. DialogDecoration? dialogDecoration,
  7. VoidCallback? thenCallback,
  8. String positiveActionText = 'Update',
  9. String negativeActionText = 'Maybe later',
  10. VoidCallback? positiveActionCallback,
  11. VoidCallback? negativeActionCallback,

context is used to match the style of the dialog with rest of the app theme

dialogConfig sets crucial parameters for the update dialog to work

title sets the title of the update dialog

message sets the content of the dialog

by setting isForceUpdate to true forces user to update the app

dialogDecoration sets the styling of different components used in the update dialog

thenCallback can be used to execute some code after the dialog is dismissed

positiveActionText sets the positive button text

negativeActionText sets the negative button text

positiveActionCallback to execute custom code when positive button is pressed

negativeActionCallback to execute custom code when negative button is pressed


static void showUpdateDialog({
  required BuildContext context,
  required DialogConfig dialogConfig,
  String title = 'Update Alert!',
  String message = 'There\'s a newer version of the app available',
  bool isForceUpdate = false,
  DialogDecoration? dialogDecoration,
  VoidCallback? thenCallback,
  String positiveActionText = 'Update',
  String negativeActionText = 'Maybe later',
  VoidCallback? positiveActionCallback,
  VoidCallback? negativeActionCallback,
}) async {
  AppUpdateChecker appUpdateChecker = AppUpdateChecker();
  UpdateRequirement updateRequirement =
      await appUpdateChecker.checkLatestVersion(
    currentVersion: dialogConfig.currentVersion,
    latestAppVer: Platform.isIOS
        ? dialogConfig.latestIOSVersion
        : dialogConfig.latestAndroidVersion,
    minAppVerAllowed: Platform.isIOS
        ? dialogConfig.minIOSAppVerAllowed
        : dialogConfig.minAndroidAppVerAllowed,

  bool showForceUpdate =
      isForceUpdate || updateRequirement == UpdateRequirement.compulsory;

    () {
      if (updateRequirement != UpdateRequirement.none) {
          context: context,
          barrierDismissible: !showForceUpdate,
          builder: (context) {
            return UpdateDialog(
              title: title,
              message: message,
              isForceUpdate: showForceUpdate,
              dialogConfig: dialogConfig,
              dialogDecoration: dialogDecoration,
              positiveActionText: positiveActionText,
              negativeActionText: negativeActionText,
              positiveActionCallback: positiveActionCallback,
              negativeActionCallback: negativeActionCallback,
        ).then((_) {
          if (thenCallback != null) {