Search Dropdown

Search DropDown is a dropdown that offers a search bar, multiple and single selections.


import 'package:searchdropdown/simple_search_dropdown.dart';

Getting Started

This project is a widget to find items in a list without sacrifying beauty and usefulness:

  • Different styles: Search DropDown can be customized with various styles, including colors, text styles, icons, and more.
  • Multiple and single options: Search DropDown can be used to select multiple or single items.
  • Add and Delete Mode: Search Dropdown accepts functions to add and delete items from the list inside it
  • Compact and Simple: Search DropDown is very compact and takes up very little space on the screen.



Add Mode:

Add Mode

Delete Mode:

Delete Mode

Search Feature

1. Single SearchDropDown

        listItens: listitems,
        onDeleteItem: removeItem, 
        onAddItem: addItem,
        addMode: true,
        deleteMode: true,
        updateSelectedItem: updateSelectedItem,

Single Menu

2. Multiple SearchDropDown

        listItems: listitems,
        onDeleteItem: removeItem, 
        onAddItem: addItem,
        addMode: true,
        deleteMode: true,
        selectedItems: selectedMultipleItems,
        updateSelectedItems: updateSelectedItems,

3. Reseting the dropdown to the unselected state:

    //create a key and add it to the dropdown:
    final GlobalKey<SearchDropDownState> singleSearchKey = GlobalKey();
        listItens: listitems,
        onDeleteItem: removeItem, 
        onAddItem: addItem,
        addMode: true,
        deleteMode: true,
        updateSelectedItem: updateSelectedItem,
    //create a function to clear the selection:
    void clearSingleSelection() {
    //assign it to a widget (like a button):
        onPressed: clearSingleSelection,
        child: const Text('Clear Single Selection'),

Multi Menu

Multi Menu Selection

