signal method

dynamic signal(
  1. SignalingInfo info

Call this method whenever signaling data is received from remote peer


// The data will encapsulate a webrtc offer, answer, or ice candidate. These
// messages help the peers to eventually establish a direct connection to
// each other. The contents of these strings are an implementation detail
// that can be ignored by the user of this module; simply pass the data
// from 'signal' events to the remote peer and call peer.signal(data) to
// get connected.
signal(SignalingInfo info) async {
  var payload = info.payload;

  if (info.isOffer || info.isAnswer) {
    var sdp = payload['sdp'] as String?;
    var type = payload['type'] as String?;
    var description = RTCSessionDescription(sdp, type);
    _print('Remote description set');
    if (info.isOffer) {
      var answer = await connection.createAnswer();
      await connection.setLocalDescription(answer);
      await _signaling('answer', answer.toMap());
    await postIceCandidates();
  } else if (info.isIceCandidate) {
    var candidate = payload['candidate'] as String?;
    var sdpMid = payload['sdpMid'] as String?;
    var sdpMLineIndex = payload['sdpMLineIndex'] as int?;
    var iceCandidate = RTCIceCandidate(candidate, sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex);
    await connection.addCandidate(iceCandidate);
    var type = candidate?.split(' ')[7];
    _print('Ice candidate $type added');