connect method

dynamic connect()

Call to start connection to remote peer.


connect() async {
  var completer = Completer();

  connection.onIceCandidate = (candidate) async {
    await postIceCandidates();

  var dcInit = _dataChannelConfig ?? RTCDataChannelInit();
  if (_initiator) {
    _dataChannel =
        await connection.createDataChannel('simple_peer_dc', dcInit);
    _dataChannel!.onDataChannelState = (state) async {
      if (state == RTCDataChannelState.RTCDataChannelOpen) {
    _dataChannel!.onMessage = (message) {

    var offer = await connection.createOffer();
    await connection.setLocalDescription(offer);
    _signaling('offer', offer.toMap());
  } else {
    if (dcInit.negotiated) {
      _dataChannel =
          await connection.createDataChannel('simple_peer_dc', dcInit);
      _dataChannel!.onDataChannelState = (state) async {
        if (state == RTCDataChannelState.RTCDataChannelOpen) {
      _dataChannel!.onMessage = (message) {
    } else {
      connection.onDataChannel = (channel) {
        _dataChannel = channel;
        channel.onMessage = (message) {

  await completer.future;

  // If signaling is really quick the data channel is sometimes reported as
  // ready before the remote peer data channel is ready. This could lead to
  // the initial messages to be dropped.
  await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 20));

  _print('Peer was connected');