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SimpleNavigator - Flutter Package for Easy Named Route Navigation

SimpleNavigator is a lightweight Flutter package designed to simplify named route navigation within your Flutter application. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, SimpleNavigator offers an alternative to more complex navigation solutions as proposed by the go_router package.


  • Easy-to-Use API: Simplify your navigation code with a straightforward API.
  • Tabbed Navigation: Seamlessly integrate tab-based navigation with SimpleNavigatorTabRoute.
  • Route Guards: Add route guards to checking before navigation or perform asynchronous tasks before navigating.
  • URL Strategy: Enable URL strategy for cleaner and more user-friendly URLs.

Getting Started

To get started with SimpleNavigator, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Package: Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
    simple_navigator: ^1.0.0
  1. Import the Package: Import the package in your Dart file:
import 'package:simple_navigator/simple_navigator.dart';
  1. Set Up Routes: In your main.dart file, configure your routes using SN.setRoutes:
void main() {
    // Add your routes configuration here
  runApp(const MyApp());
  1. Implement MaterialApp: Use the MaterialApp.router widget in your MyApp class:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
      theme: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
        scaffoldBackgroundColor: Colors.amber,
      routerDelegate: SN.delegate,
      routeInformationParser: SN.parser,

Example Routes Configuration

Here's an example of how you can set up routes using SimpleNavigator:

 bool isUserLogged = false
    urlStrategy: true,
    // Here, the reference to the splash page is added. 
    // Its behavior will be  explained in a dedicated topic.
    splash: (_) => SplashPage(),
    observers: [
    routes: [
      //Here, a root route with support for tabs is created.
        path: "/",
        builder: (_, child) => HomePage(
          child: child,
        tabs: ["/main", "/settings", "/profile"],
        guard: (path) async {
          //Example to use
          final SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
          isUserLogged = prefs.getString('user-logged') != null;
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";
      //Here is a example a non-root route with support for tabs is created.
        path: "/tabs",
        builder: (_, child) => TabsPage(
          child: child,
        tabs: ["/main", "/settings", "/profile"],
        guard: (path) async {
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";
      //Add a simple route
        path: "/login",
        builder: (_) => const LoginPage(),
      //Here, a simple route with a guard is added. What is the guard? 
      //The guard is a feature that is executed before finalizing a route and can be 
      //used for security checks, as in the example below. However, any other 
      //type of execution can be performed within the guard. 
      //The route will only be finalized after all checks have been successfully processed.
        path: "/feed",
        builder: (_) => const FeedPage(),
        guard: (path) async {
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";
        //Loading to be displayed while the guard is not processed. 
        //If not informed, it will show the default loading of SimpleNavigator.
        guardLoadingBuilder: (context) => const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),),
        path: "/main",
        builder: (_) => const MainPage(),
        guard: (path) async {
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";
        path: "/settings",
        builder: (_) => const SettingsPage(),
        guard: (path) async {
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";
        path: "/profile",
        builder: (_) => const ProfilePage(),
        guard: (path) async {
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";
      //Here, a route is added with path parameter passing, for example: :number.
        path: "/sub/:number",
        builder: (_) => const SubPage(),
        guard: (path) async {
          return isUserLogged ? path : "/login";

Splash Screen

The purpose of the splash screen is to appear during the app's initialization before processing the guard of the root route. If you need the splash to stay on the screen longer, it can be added to an inheritance of the SimpleNavigatorSplashCompleterMixin mixin. When you want the splash to close, call widget.complete();, and it will close, showing the previously configured root route.

Obs: guardLoadingBuilder is ignored when splash is informed in SN.setRoutes for initialRoute (root route) on example above is "/"

SplashPage Widget example

class SplashPage extends StatefulWidget with SimpleNavigatorSplashCompleterMixin {

  State<SplashPage> createState() => _SplashPageState();

class _SplashPageState extends State<SplashPage> {
  void initState() {
    //The next page will called with complete executed
    //Is a fake delay for simulate a process tasks before 
    //Complete to show page configured as root
    Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed: () async {},
          child: const Text("SPLASH"),


To navigate to another screen using SimpleNavigator, use the following syntax:

final result = await"/<route name>", /* additional parameters */);


Closing a Screen

To close the current screen within SimpleNavigator, use the following syntax:;

Returning a Value to the Previous Screen

If you want to return a value to the previous screen, use the following syntax:* value to be returned */);

Closing Screens Until a Specific Route

To close multiple screens until reaching a specific route, use the following syntax:"/<route name>", /* value to be returned (optional) */);

Tab Navigation

await"/<tab name>");

Get extra parameter

final paramValue ="<param key>");

Get path parameter

final paramValue ="<param key>");

Get query parameter

final paramValue ="<param key>");

Get current tab

final currentTab =;

Tab page example

class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const HomePage({
    required this.child,

  final Widget child;

  State<HomePage> createState() => _HomePageState();

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
  void initState() {
    if (kDebugMode) {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    //This builder "SimpleNavigatorTabsBuilder"
    //is important to change state tab navigation controll
    return SimpleNavigatorTabsBuilder(
      builder: (context) {
        return Scaffold(
          backgroundColor: Colors.purple,
          bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
            items: const [
                icon: Icon(Icons.home),
                label: "Home",
                icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
                label: "Settings",
                icon: Icon(Icons.person),
                label: "Profile",
            currentIndex: () {
              if ( == "/main") {
                return 0;
              } else if ( == "/settings") {
                return 1;
              return 2;
            onTap: (index) {
              if (index == 2) {
              } else if (index == 1) {
              } else {
          body: widget.child,

