Simple Model

A straightforward method for converting between JSON and its reverse format without the need for a code generator.

Simple Model Converter

Utilize this converter to convert JSON data into Simple Model classes.

Try Converter


  • fromJson
  • toJson
  • copyWith

Getting started

  • SimpleModel for converting to and from JSON
  • SimpleModel.getEnumMap method for getting enum map
  • $get method for getting data by key
  • $fromList method for handling list of objects
  • $fromValueWithEnumMap method for handling enum


If you want to convert the following JSON

    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 30,
    "height": 1.8,
    "scores": [100, 90, 80],
    "isEmployed": true

The following example shows how to convert

import 'package:simple_model/simple_model.dart';

final class ExampleModel extends SimpleModel {

  String? get name => $get('name');

  int? get age => $get('age');

  double? get height => $get('height');

  List<int?>? get scores => $get('scores');

  bool? get isEmployed => $get('isEmployed');

Example for fromJson and toJson methods

final model = ExampleModel.fromJson({
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "height": 1.8,
  "scores": [100, 90, 80],
  "isEmployed": true
});; // John Doe

model.age; // 30

model.height; // 1.8

model.scores; // [100, 90, 80]

model.isEmployed; // true


Advanced JSON format

If you want to convert JSON data like this

  "status": 1,
  "company": {
    "name": "Company Name",
    "location": "Mountain View"
  "friends": [
    {"name": "Jane Doe", "age": 28},
    {"name": "Jack Doe", "age": 32}

The following example shows how to convert

final class ExampleModel extends SimpleModel {

  Status? get status => $get(
      fromValue: $fromValueWithEnumMap(Status.enumMap),

  ExampleCompanyModel? get company => $get(
        fromJson: ExampleCompanyModel.fromJson,

  List<ExampleFriendModel?>? get friends => $get(
        fromList: $fromList(ExampleFriendModel.fromJson),

final class ExampleCompanyModel extends SimpleModel {

  String? get name => $get('name');

  String? get location => $get('location');

final class ExampleFriendModel extends SimpleModel {

  String? get name => $get('name');

  int? get age => $get('age');

enum Status {

  static final enumMap = SimpleModel.getEnumMap(values)(
    (value) => switch (value) {
      Status.running => 1,
      Status.stopped => 2,
      Status.paused => 3,

If you want to convert the JSON like this

    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 30,
    "height": 1.8,
    "scores": [100, 90, 80],
    "isEmployed": true
    "name": "Kevin Doe",
    "age": 35,
    "height": 2.8,
    "scores": [100, 90, 80, 70],
    "isEmployed": false

The following example shows how to convert

final model = [
    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 30,
    "height": 1.8,
    "scores": [100, 90, 80],
    "isEmployed": true
    "name": "Kevin Doe",
    "age": 35,
    "height": 2.8,
    "scores": [100, 90, 80, 70],
    "isEmployed": false

model.length; // 2

Copy with

You can add copyWith like this

ExampleModel copyWith({
  String? name,
  int? age,
  double? height,
  List<int?>? scores,
  bool? isEmployed,
  Status? status,
  ExampleCompanyModel? company,
  List<ExampleFriendModel?>? friends,
}) =>
      fromJson: ExampleModel.fromJson,
      value: {
        'name': name,
        'age': age,
        'height': height,
        'scores': scores,
        'isEmployed': isEmployed,
        'status': Status.enumMap[status],
        'company': company?.toJson(),
        'friends': friends?.toJson(),

