• Add mention functionality easily with the TextController and TextField provided by Simple Mention!
  • The goal is to provide only a lightweight and simple mention function!
  • It was inspired by the flutter_mention package.

An animated image demonstrating the English Mention functionality      An animated image demonstrating the Korean Mention functionality


Use this plugin in your Flutter app to:

  • Mention users in a text field
  • Display the selected mention user's name in blue.

Getting started

  1. Please enter the user information to be displayed in MentionList in the MentionMemberModel.
  2. Create a MentionList through this.
  3. Put the MentionList into the MentionTextFieldController constructor.
late MentionTextFieldController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = MentionTextFieldController(
      myName: 'James Anderson', memberList: [
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '1', name: 'Emily Thompson', picture: 'assets/b.jpg'),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '2', name: 'Oliver Smith', picture: 'assets/a.jpg'),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '3', name: 'Sophia Johnson', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '4', name: 'Elijah Williams', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '5', name: 'Olivia Jones', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '6', name: 'William Brown', picture: 'assets/d.jpg'),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '7', name: 'Ava Davis', picture: 'assets/c.jpg'),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '8', name: 'James Miller', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '9', name: 'Isabella Wilson', picture: 'assets/e.jpg'),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '10', name: '홍길동', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '11', name: '너무 멋진 강아지', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '12', name: '행복한 다람쥐', picture: ''),
    MentionMemberModel(uid: '13', name: '조용한 고양이', picture: ''),
  1. Write the MentionTextField where you want.
  2. Please insert the MentionTextFieldController into the controller parameter.
  3. That's it! You can use mention by pressing the specified pattern.


  • If a space is included in the name, it appears replaced with _. I'm looking for a way to show it as a space.
  • When you click on a mention, the mentioned user's name is highlighted in blue. We plan to add a feature to change it to another color.
  • We plan to add a feature that allows you to highlight your specified name in a different color when you click on it.
  • There is no test code for the package. We plan to add it. (Any help is appreciated!)
  • We welcome a variety of other ideas!

