toTextSpan static method

TextSpan toTextSpan(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. String htmlContent, {
  3. dynamic linksCallback(
    1. dynamic
  4. Map<String, TextStyle>? overrideStyle,
  5. TextStyle? defaultTextStyle,

Returns a TextSpan object you can directly pass to a RichText widget. In addition to the build context and your HTML content, you can pass a function to this method. You can use the function to handle click events on anchor tags. The function will receive the actual link as its argument.

To apply a default text style which affects all of the content (unless they are overridden) pass in defaultTextStyle

  defaultTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey[700]),

To overrides and/or apply custom styles to html tags pass in overrideStyle which is a Map of String,TextStyle where String is the html tag, and TextStyle is the style applied

  overrideStyle: {
    'p': TextStyle(color:,
    'a': TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline),


static TextSpan toTextSpan(
  BuildContext context,
  String htmlContent, {
  Function(dynamic)? linksCallback,
  Map<String, TextStyle>? overrideStyle,
  TextStyle? defaultTextStyle,
}) {
  // Validating empty content
  if (htmlContent.isEmpty) {
    return const TextSpan();

  String content = htmlContent;

  // to fix a known issue with &nbsp; when appearing after an ending tag
  content = content.replaceAll('&nbsp;', ' ').replaceAll('&nbsp', ' ');

  // to fix a known issue with non self closing <br> tags
  content = content.replaceAll('<br>', '<br />');

  final Parser parser = Parser(context, content,
      linksCallback: linksCallback,
      overrideStyleMap: overrideStyle ?? <String, TextStyle>{},
      defaultTextStyle: defaultTextStyle);

  List<TextSpan> list = <TextSpan>[];
  try {
    list = parser.parse();
  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    debugPrint('simple_html_css Exception: ${error.toString()}');
    debugPrint('simple_html_css Stack Trace: ${stackTrace.toString()}');

  return TextSpan(text: '', children: list);