swipeDetectionBehavior property

SwipeDetectionBehavior swipeDetectionBehavior

Behavior used for swipe gesture detection. By default, SwipeDetectionBehavior.singularOnEnd is used, which runs callback after swipe is completed. Use SwipeDetectionBehavior.continuous for most reactive behavior but be careful with threshold values.

  • SwipeDetectionBehavior.singular - Runs callback a single time - when swipe movement is above set threshold.
  • SwipeDetectionBehavior.singularOnEnd - Runs callback a single time - when swipe is fully completed.
  • SwipeDetectionBehavior.continuous - Runs callback multiple times - whenever swipe movement is above set threshold. Make sure to set threshold values higher than usual!
  • SwipeDetectionBehavior.continuousDistinct - Runs callback multiple times - whenever swipe movement is above set threshold, but only on distinct SwipeDirection.


final SwipeDetectionBehavior swipeDetectionBehavior;