pack method
Corresponding parser should be called from frame_app data handler
Uint8List pack() {
if (_sprites.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('_sprites is empty: call rasterize() before pack()');
int widthMsb = _width >> 8;
int widthLsb = _width & 0xFF;
// store the x (16-bit) and y (16-bit) offsets as pairs for each of the lines
Uint8List offsets = Uint8List(_lineMetrics.length * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < _lineMetrics.length; i++) {
var lm = _lineMetrics[i];
int xOffset = lm.left.toInt();
int yOffset = (lm.baseline - lm.ascent).toInt();
offsets[4 * i] = xOffset >> 8;
offsets[4 * i + 1] = xOffset & 0xFF;
offsets[4 * i + 2] = yOffset >> 8;
offsets[4 * i + 3] = yOffset & 0xFF;
// special marker for Block header 0xFF, width of the block, max display rows, num lines, offsets within block for each line
return Uint8List.fromList([
_maxDisplayRows & 0xFF,
_sprites.length & 0xFF,