toImage method

Image toImage()

Convert TxSprite back to an image for testing/verification


img.Image toImage() {
  // set up the indexed palette
  img.PaletteUint8 pal = img.PaletteUint8(_numColors, 3);
  pal.buffer.asUint8List().setAll(0, _paletteData);

  // TODO Image.palette() doesn't seem to correctly create indexed image.
  // instead, expand out the image to RGB pixels since this is just for phoneside display
  var data = img.ImageDataUint8(_width, _height, 3);
  int pixNum = 0;

  for (var palEntry in _pixelData) {
        pixNum % _width,
        pixNum ~/ _width,
        _paletteData[palEntry * 3],
        _paletteData[palEntry * 3 + 1],
        _paletteData[palEntry * 3 + 2]);


  return img.Image.fromBytes(
      width: _width, height: _height, bytes: data.buffer, numChannels: 3);