connectToScannedFrame method
Future<void> connectToScannedFrame(BrilliantScannedDevice device) async {
try {
_log.fine('connecting to scanned device: $device');
frame = await BrilliantBluetooth.connect(device);
_log.fine('device connected: ${frame!.device.remoteId}');
// subscribe to connection state for the device to detect disconnections
// so we can transition the app to a disconnected state
await _refreshDeviceStateSubs();
// refresh subscriptions to String rx and Data rx
await _refreshRxSubs();
try {
// terminate the main.lua (if currently running) so we can run our lua code
// TODO looks like if the signal comes too early after connection, it isn't registered
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
await frame!.sendBreakSignal();
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
await frame!.sendString(
'print("Connected to Frame " .. frame.FIRMWARE_VERSION .. ", Mem: " .. tostring(collectgarbage("count")))',
awaitResponse: true);
// Frame is ready to go!
currentState = ApplicationState.connected;
if (mounted) setState(() {});
} catch (e) {
currentState = ApplicationState.disconnected;
_log.fine('Error while sending break signal: $e');
if (mounted) setState(() {});
await disconnectFrame();
} catch (e) {
currentState = ApplicationState.disconnected;
_log.fine('Error while connecting and/or discovering services: $e');
if (mounted) setState(() {});