Attach this RxAudio to the Frame's dataResponse characteristic stream.
If this RxAudio was created with streaming: true then the returned
broadcast Stream will produce elements continuously, otherwise it will
be a single subscription stream that produces a single Uint8List element
containing the entire audio clip received.
Both types of Stream are Done when the finalChunkFlag is received from
Frame indicating the end of the audio feed
Detaches the RxAudio from the Frame dataResponse Stream permanently.
For streaming==false RxAudios, this has no effect because the controller
of the Stream closes when the single clip is completely received.
For streaming==true RxAudios, after the RxAudio has been attached to
dataResponse, the client can call listen() and cancel() many times and
the controller for the stream will not be closed. But when finished, it
can be closed with detach and cannot be listened to again.