toPngBytes method

Future<Uint8List> toPngBytes({
  1. required int startLine,
  2. required int endLine,

Convert TxTextSpriteBlock back to a single image for testing/verification startLine and endLine are inclusive


Future<Uint8List> toPngBytes({required int startLine, required int endLine}) async {
  if (_sprites.isEmpty) {
    throw Exception('_sprites is empty: call rasterize() before toPngBytes()');

  // work out which range of lines we're drawing, and shift up by topOffset in Y
  final double topBoundary = _lineMetrics[startLine].baseline - _lineMetrics[startLine].ascent;
  final double bottomBoundary = _lineMetrics[endLine].baseline + _lineMetrics[endLine].descent;
  final int totalHeight = (bottomBoundary - topBoundary).toInt();
  final int topOffset = topBoundary.toInt();

  // create an image for the whole block
  var preview = img.Image(width: width, height: totalHeight);

  // copy in each of the sprites
  for (int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) {
    img.compositeImage(preview, rasterizedSprites[i].toImage(),
        dstY: (_lineMetrics[i].baseline - _lineMetrics[i].ascent - topOffset).toInt());

  return img.encodePng(preview);