tryScanAndConnectAndStart method

Future<void> tryScanAndConnectAndStart({
  1. required bool andRun,

Suitable for inclusion in initState or other startup code, this function will attempt connection, start app (loading Lua, sprites) and optionally call run() (unawaited) to save a few connect/start/(run) steps


Future<void> tryScanAndConnectAndStart({required bool andRun}) async {
  if (currentState == ApplicationState.disconnected) {

    _log.fine('calling scanOrReconnectFrame');
    await scanOrReconnectFrame();

    if (currentState == ApplicationState.connected) {

      _log.fine('calling startApplication');
      await startApplication();

      if (currentState == ApplicationState.ready && andRun) {
        // don't await this one for run() functions that keep running a main loop, so initState() can complete
        _log.fine('calling run');
      else {
        _log.fine('not ready or andRun is false - not calling run');
    else {
      // connection didn't succeed, decide what you want to do if the app starts and the user doesn't tap Frame to wake it up
      _log.fine('not connected - finishing start attempt');
  else {
    _log.fine('not in disconnected state - not attempting scan/connect');