attach method
Attach this RxPhoto to the Frame's dataResponse characteristic stream.
Stream<Uint8List> attach(Stream<List<int>> dataResponse) {
// TODO check for illegal state - attach() already called on this RxPhoto etc?
// might be possible though after a clean close(), do I want to prevent it?
// qualityLevel must be valid (10, 25, 50, 100)
if (!jpegHeaderMap.containsKey(qualityLevel)) {
throw Exception(
'Invalid quality level for jpeg: $qualityLevel - must be one of: ${jpegHeaderMap.keys}');
// the image data as a list of bytes that accumulates with each packet
List<int> imageData = List.empty(growable: true);
int rawOffset = 0;
// add the jpeg header bytes for this quality level (623 bytes)
// the subscription to the underlying data stream
StreamSubscription<List<int>>? dataResponseSubs;
// Our stream controller that transforms/accumulates the raw data into images (as bytes)
_controller = StreamController();
_controller!.onListen = () {
_log.fine('ImageDataResponse stream subscribed');
dataResponseSubs = dataResponse
(data) => data[0] == nonFinalChunkFlag || data[0] == finalChunkFlag)
.listen((data) {
if (data[0] == nonFinalChunkFlag) {
imageData += data.sublist(1);
rawOffset += data.length - 1;
// the last chunk has a first byte of 8 so stop after this
else if (data[0] == finalChunkFlag) {
imageData += data.sublist(1);
rawOffset += data.length - 1;
// add the jpeg footer bytes (2 bytes)
// When full image data is received, emit it and clear the buffer
rawOffset = 0;
// and close the stream
_log.finer(() => 'Chunk size: ${data.length - 1}, rawOffset: $rawOffset');
}, onDone: _controller!.close, onError: _controller!.addError);
_log.fine('Controller being listened to');
_controller!.onCancel = () {
_log.fine('ImageDataResponse stream unsubscribed');
return _controller!.stream;