getData method

Future getData(
  1. String path, {
  2. bool shallow = true,
  3. Map<String, String>? query,

/////////////// /////////////// Retrieves data from the specified path in the RTDB.

  • path: The database path to fetch data from.
  • shallow: If true, only the keys are fetched without the data (default: true).
  • query: Additional query parameters for the request.

Returns the fetched data as a dynamic object, or null on failure.


// CRUD Operations //

/// Retrieves data from the specified [path] in the RTDB.
/// - [path]: The database path to fetch data from.
/// - [shallow]: If `true`, only the keys are fetched without the data (default: `true`).
/// - [query]: Additional query parameters for the request.
/// Returns the fetched data as a dynamic object, or `null` on failure.
Future<dynamic> getData(
    String path, {
      bool shallow = true,
      Map<String, String>? query,
    }) async {
  final authToken = await _getAuthToken();

  if (authToken == null) {
    debugPrint('Error: Unable to fetch auth token.');
    return null; // Abort if no auth token

  // Construct the query parameters
  final queryParams = {
    'shallow': shallow.toString(),
    'auth': authToken,
    ...?query, // Merge with additional query parameters if provided

  // Construct the full URL
  final url = Uri.parse('$_baseUrl$path.json').replace(queryParameters: queryParams);

  // Enforce rate limits and connection constraints
  if (!_canProceedWithRequest(0)) {
    debugPrint('Rate limit exceeded.');
    return null; // Abort if rate limits exceeded

  if (_currentHttpConnections >= maxConnections) {
    String oldestConnection = _connectionOrder.removeAt(0); // Remove the least active connection
    _runningStreams[oldestConnection]?.close(); // Close the stream controller

  try {
    _connectionOrder.add(path); // Track the new connection
    final response = await _client.get(url);

    final dataSize = response.body.length;

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      final data = json.decode(response.body);
      _currentDataTransferred += dataSize;
      return data;
    } else {
      debugPrint('Error: Failed to fetch data. Status code: ${response.statusCode}');
      return null;
  } catch (e) {
    debugPrint('Error during GET request: $e');
    return null;