performAuthenticate method

  1. @override
Future<Account?> performAuthenticate()

This method is for subclasses only. Call authenticate() instead.


Future<Account?> performAuthenticate() async {
  if (scopesRequired && (scopes?.length ?? 0) == 0) {
    throw Exception("Scopes are required");
  OAuthAccount? account =
      currentOauthAccount ?? await loadAccountFromCache<OAuthAccount>();
  if (account != null &&
      ((account.refreshToken?.isNotEmpty ?? false) ||
          (account.expiresIn != null && account.expiresIn! <= 0))) {
    var valid = account.isValid();
    if (!valid || forceRefresh) {
      //If there is no interent, give them the current expired account
      if (!await pingUrl(tokenUrl!)) {
        return account;
      if (await refreshAccount(account))
        account = currentOauthAccount ?? loadAccountFromCache<OAuthAccount>() as OAuthAccount;
    if (account.isValid()) {
      currentAccount = account;
      return account;

  var _authenticator = getAuthenticator()!;
  await _authenticator.resetAuthenticator();
  if (showAuthenticator != null)
    showAuthenticator!(_authenticator as WebAuthenticator);
  else if (sharedShowAuthenticator != null)
    sharedShowAuthenticator!(_authenticator as WebAuthenticator);
    throw new Exception(
        "You are required to implement the 'showAuthenticator or sharedShowAuthenticator");
  var token = await _authenticator.getAuthCode();
  if (token.isEmpty) {
    throw new Exception("Null Token");
  account = await getAccountFromAuthCode(_authenticator);
  currentAccount = account;
  return account;