call static method

Future call(
  1. String method,
  2. String url, {
  3. dynamic body,
  4. Function? fromJson,
  5. String? rootPath,
  6. bool? list,
  7. dynamic bearer = "",
  8. Map<String, String>? headers,


static Future call(String method, String url,
    {dynamic body,
    Function? fromJson,
    String? rootPath,
    bool? list,
    dynamic bearer = "",
    Map<String, String>? headers}) async {
  var req = http.Request(method, Uri.parse(url));
  var dh = await defaultHeaders(bearer: bearer);
  if (headers != null) {
  if (body != null) {
    if (body is String) {
      req.body = body;
    } else {
      var x = jsonEncode(body);
      // print("ENCODED");
      // print(x);
      req.body = x;
  http.Response response;
  try {
    var streamedResponse = await req.send();
    response = await http.Response.fromStream(streamedResponse);
  } catch (err) {
    // probably bad connection or something
    throw "Error connecting to API: $err";
  if (response.statusCode == 404) {
    throw NotFound();
  var jsonmap;
  try {
    jsonmap = json.decode(response.body);
  } catch (err) {
    print("ERROR decoding json: $err");
    // if (response.statusCode != 200) {
    throw "${response.statusCode} ${response.body}";
    // }
    // throw err;
  if (debug) print('jsonmap: ' + response.body);
  if (response.statusCode != 200) {
    // resp.error = ErrorResponse.fromJson(jsonmap['error']);
    // return resp;
    throw jsonmap['error']['message'];
  // If the server did return a 200 OK response, then parse the JSON.
  if (rootPath != null && rootPath != "") {
    jsonmap = jsonmap[rootPath];
  if (fromJson != null) {
    if (list ?? false) {
      return List.from( => fromJson(model)));
    // print("about to fromJson");
    return fromJson(jsonmap);

  return jsonmap;