tokensToText method
Converts tokens to text.
String tokensToText(List<String> tokens) {
String tokenized = tokens.join(' '); // Joining tokens into a single string
// Replacing position tokens with 'x' separator
tokenized = tokenized.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'p(\d*) p(\d*)'),
(match) => '${}x${}');
// Replacing column and row tokens with simplified format
tokenized = tokenized.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'c(\d)\d? r(.)'),
(match) => '${}${}');
// Replacing single-digit columns with two-digit format
tokenized = tokenized.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'c(\d)\d?'), (match) => '${} 0');
// Replacing single-digit rows with two-digit format
tokenized = tokenized.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'r(.)'), (match) => '0${}');
// Removing spaces between digits and box symbols
tokenized = tokenized.replaceAll(' ', '');
tokenized = tokenized.replaceAllMapped(
(match) =>
'${} ${}'); // Adding space between digit and box symbol
return tokenized; // Returning the detokenized FSW string