tokens static method
Method to generate the list of tokens for SignWriting symbols.
static List<String> tokens() {
List<String> boxSymbols = ["B", "L", "M", "R"]; // Box symbols
List<String> baseSymbols = [];
// Generating base symbols using hexadecimal values
for (int i = 0x10; i <= 0x38; i++) {
for (int j = 0x0; j <= 0xf; j++) {
String baseSymbol = "S${i.toRadixString(16)}${j.toRadixString(16)}";
if (baseSymbol != "S38c" &&
baseSymbol != "S38d" &&
baseSymbol != "S38e" &&
baseSymbol != "S38f") {
List<String> rows = [];
// Generating row symbols using hexadecimal values
for (int j = 0x0; j <= 0xf; j++) {
List<String> cols = ["c0", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5"]; // Column symbols
List<String> positions = [];
// Generating position symbols from 250 to 750
for (int p = 250; p <= 750; p++) {
// Combining all token categories and returning a flattened list
return [boxSymbols, baseSymbols, rows, cols, positions]
.expand((element) => element)