swu2fsw function

String swu2fsw(
  1. String swuText


String swu2fsw(String swuText) {
  if (swuText.isEmpty) {
    return '';

  // Initial replacements to convert SWU characters to FSW characters
  String fsw = swuText
      .replaceAll("𝠀", "A")
      .replaceAll("𝠁", "B")
      .replaceAll("𝠂", "L")
      .replaceAll("𝠃", "M")
      .replaceAll("𝠄", "R");

  // Replacing SWU symbols with FSW keys
  RegExp symbolRegex = RegExp(ReSwu.symbol, unicode: true);
  Iterable<RegExpMatch> symbols = symbolRegex.allMatches(fsw);
  if (symbols.isNotEmpty) {
    for (RegExpMatch sym in symbols) {
      fsw = fsw.replaceAll(sym.group(0)!, swu2key(sym.group(0)!));

  // Converting SWU coordinates to FSW coordinates
  RegExp coordRegex = RegExp(ReSwu.coord, unicode: true);
  Iterable<RegExpMatch> coords = coordRegex.allMatches(fsw);
  if (coords.isNotEmpty) {
    for (RegExpMatch coord in coords) {
      fsw = fsw.replaceAll(

  return fsw;