toRawSVG method

String? toRawSVG({
  1. int? width,
  2. int? height,

Export the current content to a raw SVG string. Will return null if there are no points.


String? toRawSVG({int? width, int? height}) {
  if (isEmpty) {
    return null;

  String formatPoint(Point p) =>

  final List<String> latestActionList =
          .map((List<Point> value) {
            return _translatePoints(value)!.map(formatPoint).join(' ');
  final List<String> strokes = latestActionList
      .map((int index, String value) {
        String stroke = value;
        if (index + 1 < latestActionList.length) {
          stroke =
              stroke.replaceAll('${latestActionList[index + 1]} ', '');
        return MapEntry<int, String>(
            '<polyline '
            'fill="none" '
            'stroke="${_colorToHex(penColor)}" '
            'stroke-opacity="${_colorToOpacity(penColor)}" '
            'points="$stroke" '
            'stroke-linecap="round" '
            'stroke-width="$penStrokeWidth" '
  final String polylines = strokes.join('\n');

  width ??= defaultWidth;
  height ??= defaultHeight;

  return '<svg '
      'viewBox="0 0 $width $height" '