toSignal method

Signal<T> toSignal({
  1. String? debugLabel,
  2. bool autoDispose = false,


To create a ValueNotifier that is also a Signal:

final signal = SignalValueNotifier<int>(10);
// or
final signal = signalValueNotifier<int>(10);

expect(signal.value, 10);
expect(signal is Signal<int>, true);
expect(signal is ValueNotifier<int>, true);

Setting the value on the signal will update the notifier and vice versa.

Signal from ValueNotifier

To create a mutable signal from a ValueNotifier, use the toSignal extension:

final notifier = ValueNotifier(10);
final signal = notifier.toSignal();

Setting the value on the signal or notifier will update the other.

ValueNotifier from Signal

To create a ValueNotifier from a mutable signal, use the toValueNotifier extension:

final signal = Signal(10);
final notifier = signal.toValueNotifier();

Setting the value on the signal or notifier will update the other. @link


Signal<T> toSignal({
  String? debugLabel,
  bool autoDispose = false,
}) {
  bool? self;
  final target = signal<T>(
    debugLabel: debugLabel,
    autoDispose: autoDispose,

  void updater() {
    if (self == false) {
      // Update from signal
    } else {
      // Normal flow
      self = true;
      target.value = value;
      self = null;

  target.onDispose(() => removeListener(updater));

  target.subscribe((val) {
    if (self == true) {
      // Update from value notifier
    } else {
      // Normal flow
      self = false;
      value = val;
      self = null;

  return target;