connect method

Future<bool?> connect()

Connect to the SignalR Server with given baseUrl & hubName.

queryString is a optional field to send query to server.


Future<bool?> connect() async {
  try {
    final result = await _channel
        .invokeMethod<bool>("connectToServer", <String, dynamic>{
      'baseUrl': baseUrl,
      'hubName': hubName,
      'queryString': queryString ?? "",
      'headers': headers ?? {},
      'hubMethods': hubMethods ?? [],
      'transport': transport.index


    return result;
  } on PlatformException catch (ex) {
    print("Platform Error: ${ex.message}");
    return Future.error(ex.message!);
  } on Exception catch (ex) {
    print("Error: ${ex.toString()}");
    return Future.error(ex.toString());