mount method

Unmount mount({
  1. String? debugName,

Mounts the sidekick related globals, returns a function to unmount them and restore the previous globals


Unmount mount({String? debugName}) {
  final SidekickCommandRunner? oldRunner = _activeRunner;
  final SidekickContextCache oldCache = internalSidekickContextCache;
  _activeRunner = this;
  final newCache = SidekickContextCache(debugName: debugName);
  internalSidekickContextCache = newCache;
  final Directory? oldWorkingDirectory = _entryWorkingDirectory;
  _entryWorkingDirectory = Directory.current;

  return () {
    _activeRunner = oldRunner;
    assert(() {
      final mountedCache = internalSidekickContextCache;
      if (!identical(mountedCache, newCache)) {
        throw "Tried to unmount the SidekickContext.cache but the currently "
            "registered cache $mountedCache@${mountedCache.hashCode} is not the same "
            "as the one that was mounted $newCache@${newCache.hashCode}.";
      return true;
    internalSidekickContextCache = oldCache;
    _entryWorkingDirectory = oldWorkingDirectory;